я не особый фанат Хеталии
(особено после того, как наткнулась на не самые приятные главы манги), но эту песню просто обожаю ^^. Хотя, она довольно фандомно-ориентированная. Я знаю, что уже публиковала её, но мне хочется повториться ^^"
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town перевод на английский~Italy : Merry Christmas!
Germany : Merry Christmas!
Japan : Merry Christmas!
Germany : Now, a Merry Christmas from you to me
A Merry Christmas from me to you
Everyone : Santa Claus is coming to town
Japan : Hey, you can hear it, right?
The Sound of sleigh bells is just right there
Everyone : Santa Claus is coming to town
Italy : He’ll surely bring wonderful presents
To the children that couldn’t wait but slept.
Japan : Now, a Merry Christmas from you to me
Germany : A Merry Christmas from me to you
Everyone : Santa Claus is coming to town
Italy : "Yahoo, Germany, Isn’t this fun? There’s so many things to eat—"
Germany : "Oi Italy! Don’t eat while you’re singing! My room is going to get dirty! Be like Japan for once!"
Japan : "Don’t worry, I’ve become accustomed to western tendencies."
Italy : "Nee Nee Germany, can we call everyone else? Like Romano-niichan and Prussiaa"
Germany : "Leave that for later, we’re still in the middle of singing! If we call them now, we’ll never finish! Besides you’re always so—"
Japan : "Ah, everyone, the song’s almost about to start..."
Italy : ATE~
Italy : Now, a Merry Christmas from you to me
A Merry Christmas from me to you
Everyone : Santa Claus is coming to town
Germany : Hey, you can hear it, right?
The Sound of sleigh bells is just right there
Everyone: Santa Claus is coming to town
Japan : Counting down to Christmas Eve with my fingers
Such a nostalgic memory is remembered tonight
Germany : So, Merry Christmas!!
Italy : A Merry Christmas from me to you
Everyone : Santa Claus is coming to town. (x2)
Germany : "We spent Christmas with these members again..."
Italy : "Hey hey, Whose house should we do it in next year? How about we do it at... Japan’s house next!"
Japan : "…I would be honored."
Germany : "Japan, you have to refuse clearly, or else he won’t understand."
Italy : "Yeah, that’s right! I’ll roast a Turkey and bring it! I’ll also bring a Tomato cake... and a Pasta Cake!"
Japan: "Whatever may happen, let’s see each other next year also."