I can't get it. I have so many favourite characters who always do their best to be good people, and still recieve tons of hate.
but nice-looking antagonists always receive tons of excuses. "He suffers so much from being an evil guy. How can you not pity him, you heatless monster". Oh, cute, but how does it help those, whose lives were ruined by that "poor guy"?

Great damn logic. If a nice character makes a mistake, or can't cope with something, or is hurt and complains/cries - "how dares (s)he be so weak/stupid/whatever"
If a villain ruins peoples' lives - "they just don't understand him, he had such a difficult life/everyone makes mistakes/blah-blah-blah".

This irritates me to no end.

Applies to practically any anime/game, so I won't even bother to tag.

@темы: ..., Thinking something over, Аниме, Игры